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Guy Gistau Baguer

2021年05月15日 19:08  点击:[]



Guy Gistau Baguer  




【occupational history】

1965 – 1966 Building small helium liquefiers (with JT expansion only, no turbine) at Air Liquide in the Sassenage (France) workshops.

1966 – 1969 Operation of an air separation plant, cylinder gas conditioning and distribution truck fleet at Air Liquide in Le Blanc Mesnil (France).
1969 – 1972 Sales activity in specialty gases and helium at Air Liquide in Le Plessis Robinson (France).
1972 – 1975 Adviser for sales activity in specialty gases and helium for the company subsidiaries at Air Liquide head office, Paris.
1975 – 2000 (retirement)
In charge of the helium refrigeration activity at Air Liquide, in the Sassenage (France) premises.
Design and development of the first automatic helium refrigerator/liquefier: HELIAL (1980).
Design, building and start-up of various plants; among them:
Tore Supra refrigerator: 300 W at 1.8 K integrating for the first time, cryogenic centrifugal
Participation to the CEBAF refrigerator (5 kW at 2.0 K, design and start up of the centrifugal
cryogenic compressor train).
CERN 6 kW at 4.5 K refrigerator,
CERN LEP 12/18 kW at 4.5 K refrigerator
CERN LHC 18 kW at 4.5 K and 2.4 kW at 1.8 K refrigerator
2000 – Present Retired
Education in “Basics in Cryogenics” and “Helium Refrigeration”, , more specially dedicated to the helium refrigeration and liquefaction activity.(60 sessions as of July 2019). International cryogenic consultant/adviser.


52 papers given in domestic and international conferences. Among them:
How to efficiently control the power of a tokamak cryogenic system. ICEC 23, Wroclaw, 2010
Various ways to smooth energy pulses into the cryogenic system of a tokamak. ICEC 23, Wroclaw, 2010
High power refrigeration at temperatures around 2.0 K. ICEC 16, 1996
Two large 18 kW (equivalent power at 4.5 K) helium refrigerators for CERN's LHC project, supplied by Air Liquide, CEC, 1999
A 12/18 kW at4.5 K helium refrigerator for CERN's LEP superconducting accelerating cavities. ICEC 15,1994
Design of a large 2.0 K refrigerator for CEBAF. Supercollider 3, 1991
Design of the cryogenic system for the Tore Supra tokamak. Cryogenics, volume 26, 1986
11 publications in various technical magazines.


The 2007 "Charles TELLIER" medal from the "Association Française du Froid".
The 2020 "Mendelssohn award" from the International Cryogenic Engineering Committee.